April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

Jake woke early on Easter morning and had already devoured his jellybean trail by the time we got up. He was in heaven. Candy right outside your bedroom door?! Amazing! Lina hammed it up with Jake and started eating the trail too, while dad filmed. We kept telling him there was more--better!-- candy downstairs that the Easter Bunny had left in his basket. But all he wanted was that jellybean trail.

Eventually we had to just carry him down and force him to see the goodies. He sat there staring at the four baskets (Jake's, Ben's, Ruby's & Lina's), saying "hmm. hmm." He was trying to decide which was the best one! Thankfully, he chose his own. The twins got formula for Easter :)

Ruby & Ben were blessed that day. It was a lovely day. Having them blessed on Easter and hearing so much about the Savior and thinking of His life made me feel so grateful for the gospel and the reality of a living Savior who died and then lived again so that my family may be eternal. My heart swelled with pride and love for my little family.

Following their blessing (& church), the whole family (including my in-laws) and many friends gathered at the Riddle home to have Easter dinner and the traditional Easter Egg Hunt. One of our traditions is to have 2 eggs with your name on it. One of the eggs has a $1 bill in it. The second egg has a temple sticker on it. To claim your prize you must take the temple egg to Grandpa Gary and give him a hug and a kiss. It's the best egg! 

The day was loud and chaotic and filled with yummy food. It is so fun to sit around with my loved ones. I am so grateful for the love and support of my dear family--they have helped us survive the last few months as we moved cross country and transitioned from a family of 3 to a family of 5. Happy Easter! 

Ruby & Benjamin's Blessing Day

Benjamin Martin & Ruby Isabelle
were blessed by their father on
Easter Day, April 20, 2014
in Valencia, CA.

Lots of family was present.

In the blessing circle:
Scott Garrison (father), Robert Garrison (paternal grandfather), Martin Cawley (maternal grandfather), Gary Larkins (maternal great-grandfather), Donald Riddle (maternal great uncle), Ron Masino (maternal great uncle), Brad Larkins (maternal great uncle), Cardon Ellis (uncle), Dan Bryant (Stevenson Ranch Ward Bishop), & Jerry Izu (Stevenson Ranch Ward Counselor & the doctor who delivered them).