April 30, 2013


I guess that child proof door knob thingy isn't working too well. He slowly came back out of my bathroom... hugging my razor. It was tons of fun getting that thing out of his kung fu grip.

April 28, 2013


So, I know it's not Father's Day yet but...I just had to write a little about my dad. Simply put...he's the best. The best dad a girl could ask for in fact. Why? Because he sends me texts (like that one^) all the time. And gosh darn it I love them. They make me happy and remind me that I'm loved. All my life, he's told me that he loves me. I've never had to wonder. It's something that I know he's always been conscious of: to really show and express his love to his children. I am so grateful for that effort and grateful for that example. So yes, he's the best and I am ever so blessed. Thank you, dad.

(After I took that screenshot, my dad messaged back: "Ah shucks. Go on!" haha. Love him.)

April 25, 2013

twenty-two months

twice in the same day both scott and i found jay playing in the toilet. i found him swirling some chopsticks in the toilet in the morning. then later, scott found him with both feet in the toilet bowl...just standing there. so he is obviously interested in the potty. he loves to pull himself up on the potty and sit on it. he's practically in the splits and loves to just sit there. when i take him off, he flushes the potty then wants to wash his hands. so on the bright side we may be able to start potty training soon! yeehaw!!

jay is in the fridge 24-7 playing with the fridge light switch. (but all the fun ended when mean ol' mom bought a fridge lock :) and a gazillion times a day he pulls me toward the pantry, has me pick him up and grabs for the cornstarch. he's convinced he wants to eat it.

has learned to open all kinds of doors. no room is safe from him now. sigh. 

lived for a solid week off of chocolate, candy, chocolate chunk muffins, jellybeans and goldfish. sigh 2.

loves loves loves the park and just being frrreeeeeeee! he runs all over the place so happy and wild and carefree. the other day he went down the slide all. by. himself. no help at all. such a proud (yes i was proud dangit!) mommy moment that he is getting so big and fun and independent.

will eat all the pepperoronis off the pizza first. then will eat the crust second. then the rest of the pizza last.

he's a super picky eater (candy aside). he wants nothing to do with food right now unless it's chocolate or goldfish or milk.

really into babies. when he sees one he points and says, "Beby!" he laughed and laughed yesterday at church watching our friends 7 month old chew on a toy. 

this last month he's started pulling me toward my bed around nighttime and just wants to snuggle me. i love it. he'll wrap his arm around my neck and just smile at me and give me chicken peck kisses. it's the sweetest thing. i'm so glad he's always been my little cuddle bug. 

and...when Jay is angry at me he'll kiss me really hard. haha. if that's his worst then i'll take it!!!

April 20, 2013

north carolina zoo

The Bundys and Garrisons went to the zoo one day. They walked a lot. They saw some baby gorillas snuggling with their mommies. They rode the carousel. S loved it. Jay was unsure. They waited a gazillion hours to get on a tram and were cranky. They ate dippin' dots and felt better. They only saw about half the park that day. They might go back. Might...


Jay loved that roadrunner. haha. But it also kinda freaked him out when it would run super fast towards the glass. And see my legs up there? Proof I was there :)

April 19, 2013

toy story obsessed

I've said it before and I'll say it again...our kid loooooooves Toy Story. He usually likes to "be" Buzz and hands me Woody and says, "please?" We play Toy Story daily. We solve a Toy Story puzzle daily. We watch Toy Story 1, 2 & 3 daily. Our daily lives at home can be summed up in one word: Toy Story. And though at times I'd rather claw my eyes out then watch it again for the umpteenth time, I'm so happy that he's happy. 

 I call this "The Toy Story Trance".

April 15, 2013

anderson grove park

Just a few houses away, down a gravel path canopied by wild growing trees and shrubbery, and into a clearing lies Anderson Grove Park...aka our little neighborhood communal area. It doesn't have play equipment or a pool but it's got a wooden wolf head sculpture with wicked freaky eyes...so it's all good. Jay loves anything outdoors so he thinks this place is just the coolest. He'll grab a stick and dig through the fallen leaves for bugs or throw rocks into the little ravine or climb onto the park benches and pee on them (true story.) He's very au-naturale when outdoors ;)

(And he didn't feel the need to tone that down one bit with little friend S around. Nope. He showed her around the place, then while her back was turned he stole her snacks. Ahhhh. My wild child. So kind yet a pathological snack-stealer.)

But I am glad to have an outdoorsy area so close where Jay can explore and learn and hold a bug or two. We are so happy Spring is here!

See? The park is a happy place.