December 5, 2013

32 weeks

Well, here I am. (I despise taking pregnancy selfies, but it's all for journaling's sake.) 32 weeks along with our boy/girl twins. The beginning of this pregnancy seemed to be going by sooo slowly. Now I can't believe I'm only weeks away from being a mother of THREE. Life is going to be nuts. But a happy kind of nuts. A tired nuts. A fun nuts. Honestly, I just don't even know what to expect. 

But I do feel bad that I haven't kept as detailed notes on this pregnancy as I did when I was pregnant with Jake. So I thought I'd jot down some random little things about this twin pregnancy:

Food cravings: Everything. Seriously, everything looks good. I want a White Dragon tempura sushi roll something awful, though. But...I'm not supposed to have sushi. And the White Dragon is in Albemarle, NC. I love Outback's carrot cake. Holy yum.  Cold cereal is a staple. Really into nachos. Steak. Chocolate. You name it. 

Heartburn: Boy is it bad in this last trimester. Never had it with my first pregnancy. I've discovered it's particularly bad after eating tomato products, i.e. spaghetti sauce or from drinking soda. I hardly touch the stuff but sometimes I'm just dying to have a root beer and I cave. 

And wow, my stomach is running out of room. It is the most frustrating thing to feel STARVED then stuff your face then feel oh-so-sick because there's no room for said food because the babies are moving all around. It's pretty darn uncomfortable. I have to remind myself: "Pace yourself. Easy girl." But it's hard :(

Movement: These babies move a ton! Particularly baby girl. She is quite the acrobat. Every ultrasound she seems to have moved into a different position. She was head down mostly, then a few weeks ago went...breech. Baby boy stayed the same the entire pregnancy (sideways/transverse), then moved last week to....breech. Yep, both babies are breech. All snuggled up together, their heads touching. What mischievous little darlings.

False alarm: The day after Thanksgiving, early morning, I started having contractions. Double ouch. It lasted a couple hours but the timing of the contractions was all over the place. Still, it got me freaked. The whole family was a little freaked. Scott was at work in Santa Monica and he was majorly freaked. I kept thinking, "It's too soon! I'm going into pre-term labor! The doctor warned me and did I think it would happen to me? Nope. He said to take it easy and SIT. Did I sit? Nope." But the contractions stopped, thank heavens. It was scary enough to remind me that I really do need to be on modified bed rest. It's not like a normal pregnancy. I HAVE to sit and keep these babies in until at least 36 weeks. 

Stuff & Laundry: I've been nesting. Mainly "worried nesting" that the babies could come whenever so I need to feel prepared. I've been Dreft-ing all the clothes and blankets and burp cloths and anything that the babies might touch. But surprisingly, I have yet to buy some diapers! With Jake, his entire closet was stocked with diapers before he was born and it was so nice to just have diapers ready and waiting. Major peace of mind for some reason. So I don't know what my deal is, but I need to get on that STAT.  Heaven knows we are gonna need a lot. 

Stretch marks: Lots. 

Belly button: It's reached its end. I can't even look at it.

Feeling: Heavy. The pressure is crazy. I feel like they're gonna bust out at times. 

Doctor Visits: I used to love to see my specialist. I get an ultrasound every time and get to see the twins' cute little bodies. But now that they are bigger and running out of room, it's hard to get a clear picture of them. And I have to lay there for-e-ver while the techs move the wand thing all over my sensitive belly. It's just no fun anymore. But I am VERY GRATEFUL to see a specialist and have the babies' health monitored so closely. Everything has been going smoothly. They are moving lots. Gaining weight on trend and within just an ounce or two of each other. I really have been blessed with awesome health for this pregnancy. We are lucky. I hear twin pregnancy horror stories allllll the time and I am so happy that everything is right as rain so far. I'm resigned to the fact that I'll most likely be having a c-section. Oh well. If that's the worst that's gonna happen with this pregnancy, then fine by me. Just give me healthy babies that don't have to visit the NICU. 

Names: I hate saying in case we totally change our minds like we did with Jake. (He was supposed to be a Max, but he looked nothing like a Max.) I will say that we are 100% decided on the boy name (Maybe 99%) The girl name: Well I'm 100% set on the name I like. Scott's 100% set on the name he likes. So, we're getting nowhere fast. 

Best moment of the week: I got my City Select stroller in Ruby Red. Happy. 

So, with all that said...I just gotta make it to at least 36 weeks...which is two days after Christmas. Then we can breathe a sigh of relief. If babies are still breech at that time, my doctor will schedule the c-section for 38 weeks. Which would be awesome if I could make it that far. After 36 weeks, every extra week is gravy. 

Let's do this! 

And by "do" I mean sit in my lazy boy and watch The Paradise. 

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for an update! I've been wanting to hear about how you are feeling with the pregnancy. I am just so excited for you! I hope all continues to go well. You look beautiful!
    As for the C-section, don't be scared. I haven't done a normal birth but my experience with a c-section went really well and I was still out and about the day after leaving the hospital! You will do just fine. I can't wait to see pictures of your babies.


bueller? bueller? anyone? anyone?