July 6, 2012

independence day 2012. something about this day just makes me feel awesome. it makes me want to hang flags from every window of the house and bake an apple pie. it prompts me to search the internet for flag pants (one pant leg stars, the other pant leg stripes) and head to a parade with a bag full of caramel popcorn balls. it re-flames my want to be a part of the "flag" like Pollyanna and sing The Star Spangled Banner. i love it. i guess it can be best described as a "mayberry" feeling. for one day, america feels like one big "small town:" everyone out and about and happy and celebrating this glorious and blessed country that we are so proud to call home.
along with patriotism, our fourth was also pretty religious--complete with Pastor Dan giving "the word" up on the stage, dramatic dancing to some christian rock, a fervent prayer to bless the fireworks show and a prayer tent if you're feeling the need to pray vocally with others. (we live in tennessee remember? :) 

jake oohed and ahhed over the giant waving flag at the park most of the time, happily nibbled on chicken and funnel cake and then buried his head into my chest when the fireworks went off. it was an amazing display. and as he clung to me, daring a peak at the sky every few seconds, scott and i held hands and the moment seemed so magical. the one that good memories are made from. my little family of three sitting on a blanket in the Algood Park in Cookeville, Tennessee, watching fireworks with smiles on our faces on a hot fourth of july night. magic.

happy fourth!
the garrison family

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