September 27, 2012

15 month old.

My goodness I have one handsome boy! And a very flushed boy too. He would stay outside aaalllllll day if I let him, rain or shine. The moment he wakes up he runs to the garage door and tries to escape. And if it's locked (which it usually is) he stares at me and waves "bye-bye" meaning "I go outside?!" His sleeping habits have been cray-cray lately and the other night (at 1am!) he starts waving to me. I was like, "Seriously, kid? We're not going out to play at 1 in the morning." But I'm glad he loves the outdoors. He loves the neighbors' dogs (and ev-er-y-one has a dog), American flags waving on the porches, kids playing basketball and rocks. We take a walk about twice a day now to feed his hunger for outdoor socializing :)

Favorite food at the moment? Hands down, it's Chex Mix. I swear, one of these days I'm gonna pull back the covers and instead of a Jakey there will be a bag of Chex Mix laying there. He loves it too much. He dumped the whole bag out on our couch yesterday. 

Still long and lean. I love when people see him and guess his age. "What is he about 2? 2 and a half?" Ah, no. Try again. He may be tall but he's still little. People are always wowing over how tall he is. And it doesn't help when he's standing next to his friend next door who's two months older but about half his size. haha. He's a giant baby! I love it. And what I can say he comes from tall people--on both sides. 

He is sensitive. He's got a tender heart and gets sad if other little ones push him even slightly. Poor guy. Nursery may be rough.

He loves books. His favorite at the moment is all about farm animals. He can currently "moo" cuz that's what the "ow" says :) And of course he "ha's!" cuz that's what the neighbor dogs do. Ducks, horses, pigs, cats they all "moo" or "ha!" too.

Jake is obsessed with Scott's ears. He likes to touch them, pull them, stick his fingers in name it. It's quite funny.

My favorite thing about Jake lately though is how loving he is. The last week or so he's showered me with hugs. He always wants to sit in my lap or hug me from behind. It could be the teething thats making him a cuddle bug, but I think he just really loves me a lot :)

To celebrate turning 15 months, we went to Chuck E Cheese! (Scott and I have been dying to go for a couple years now haha).  Thankfully, there was a toddler area that Jake enjoyed. Though he did not enjoy the car rides or merry-go-round. He pretty much was glued to us. And when Chuck himself appeared, Jake stared that rat down. He didn't cry, but boy did he keep an eye on him. I had to feed Jake pizza like a baby because he couldn't concentrate on anything else but Chuck. 

Scott played Guitar Hero and the basketball shot game and I learned that I should never go to Vegas. I could not walk away from this one coin/plinko game. I was hooked. Scott would say, "OK, let's move on to something else," and I'd freak, "Wait! It's hot! Just one more chance. I know I can do it this time!" haha. Oh boy. Yeah, Vegas is not a good idea for me. We left full of sauce-less pizza and with a slinkie and a rubber snake. Boy did we have fun!

And goodness gracious, I do love my little family and little boy. He makes life so fun and gives us great excuses to go to Chuck E Cheese! I feel so blessed to have him and can't believe how old he is getting. Time moves far too quickly. And so is he.


1 comment:

  1. Three things: 1) I laughed so hard about the chex mix thing. Pulling his sheets down to find just chex mix. You are hilarious.
    2)Again, laughed about the whole Chuck E. Cheese experience because my family goes there almost every time we have all of my nieces and nephews together so they can play, but secretly we steal the coins and play all the games. And, that chuck rat is ridiculously CREEPY looking. I can see why Jakey was scared.
    3) When I read your previous post about the tender moments of Jake just hugging you during Sacrament I totally cried. That is so special and such a blessing at a crazy moment. Thank you for sharing.


bueller? bueller? anyone? anyone?