Halloween is so magical and fun with kids! Jake definitely knew what his candy bag was for and couldn't wait to get started. I made crockpot spaghetti--a Garrison Halloween meal tradition--and we carved pumpkins. Jake was wary of the pumpkin guts and seeds. He wanted nothing to do with them and kept saying, "Ick!" He did, however, love wearing a wig that morning! It gave me a glimpse of what he'd look like as The Little Mermaid...or perhaps what Baby Girl will look like in the future...if she has red hair. Hah!
Once we were all ready to go, we headed out and Jake kept tripping over his candy bag. He was so excited for some candy! He was independent and brave for the first house. Then some teenager in a super scary grim reaper costume passed by and Jake was done walking. Scott had to hold him the rest of the night. He would NOT be put down to walk on his own. And it didn't help that the teenager always seemed to be nearby no matter where we went. Jake just stared that kid down--no expression, no emotion. Haha.
Finally, that kid disappeared and Jake loosened up a bit and actually talked. One house in particular was decked out with the Halloween decorations. As we neared the door, Jake said, "It's spooooky!" Haha. I don't know where he learned that word but it was so darn cute! For the rest of the night everything was spooky--or as he pronounces it: BOOOOOKY!
With his bag nice and filled we headed home and then went to the Riddle's house to go through their spook alley in the backyard. A couple weeks before Halloween, Donald and Heather threw an adult Halloween party. Scott and I went as Deb and Kip from Napoleon Dynamite.
Happy Halloween!
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