i made Pioneer Woman's texas chocolate sheet cake and frosting. (the frosting has flour in it. flour. weird, right? but totally delish.) as soon as it was out of the oven, jake and i flew to the nashville airport to pick up scott. back at home, the birthday boy was smothered with kisses from daddy, then scott started up the grill to cook some hot dogs. we go all out :) i beat the livin' daylights out of the frosting (recipe said so), frosted the cake, whipped up some chips and dip, cut up some watermelon, and we were ready to go.
we were starving. and it was nearing 7:30. then a knock at the door. missionaries! they were being transferred the next day and wanted to say goodbye (love those two.) so our party of three became a party of five.
jake chowed down on the hot dog. his greasy little fingers squishing the bits into the tray as he tried to pick those slippery guys up. watermelon juice dripping down his chin. he's awesome. then cake time. i stripped him down to his diaper and then we all sang "happy birthday!" his baby blues sparkled watching that flame and he wanted nothing more in that moment than to grab a hold of it. as for the cake, he was pretty tidy. he'd pinch the frosting and taste it and looks to us for approval. finally, he dove in head first pressing his lips into the frosting. he played with it more than ate it.
and so, with dinner done and frosting on his face, the nakey birthday boy got a bath and a bottle (whole milk now!) and went to bed. it was quite the busy day. we didn't even open presents. but there's always tomorrow when you're a sleepy, cute baby.
we love you jakester. happy #1 birthday. you are a joy. you are precious. you are the greatest. thanks for making me a mommy. (and for being cute, too.)

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