June 18, 2012

camp nakanawa//girls camp 2012

i'm glad i went, despite the fact that "tick check" was a legitimate part of our itinerary every day. i checked every square inch of my body every night in the shower due to some horrifying information: ticks like warm and cozy parts of the body. places like, oh, your bellybutton. the insides of your ears. armpits. and other non-mentionable places. the entire camp was enveloped in a mist of bug spray. i inhaled a fair amount. and it must have worked. because i'm proud to report that not one tick was found on my person.

it was miraculous. and the only thing more miraculous was our cabin of girls. they. are. awesome. the youth of the church here in tennessee are stalwarts. the theme for camp was all about Esther and what her cousin Mordecai told her in Esther 4:14, "and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" i tell you what, these girls have come to this earth for such a time as this. heavenly father needs their courage, faith, service for this day.

again, i'm glad i went. the cabins were spider-less. the views were gorgeous. the skits epic. the hair bows enormous. the spirit...wonderful. here's to the 100th year of girls camp. we celebrated Tangled style. by sending over 100 floating chinese lanterns up into the dark, vast sky and watching them cast their twinkling glow over the lake. it was magical.

cabin 19. yeah we were the best. our skit was hilarious, due largely in part to one fab young woman who played the role of king ahasuerus as elvis. and see that huge replica of the salt lake temple? it is nearly 8 feet tall and simply beautiful. it shone in the darkness on our night hike, lighting our path. very powerful. a big thank you to all the wonderful stake leaders who pulled off an awesome girls camp.

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